Monthly Activities:Â
We strive to have an outdoor weekend activity monthly during the year. Here's a list of the types of activities that we participate in. While we try to include different activities each year, we always go back to our old favorites.
Summer Camp at Camp Yawgoog in Rhode Island (week 6)
Camping and hiking at the Cape Cod National Seashore
Camping and bike riding at Nickerson State Park
Camping at Shawme-Crowell State Forest
Turkey Shoot (Camping and shooting event at BSA Camp Greenough in Yarmouth)
Carabiners Indoor Climbing in New Bedford
Klondike Derby (Winter camping and skills competition at BSA Camp Greenough)
Skiing at the Gunstock Mountain Resort
Skiing at the Blue Hills Ski Area and other resorts throughout Mass. and New Hampshire
Backpacking at Sandy Neck Beach Park
Backpacking in Western Massachusetts
Canoeing and Camping at Washburn Island
Canoeing and Camping on the Saco River in NH/Maine
Community Service:
The Troop also participates in a number of community service projects and events. Here are some recent events.
Organizing a food drive for Falmouth Service Center
Assisting Falmouth Service Center with collecting and sorting food donations for Thanksgiving
Litter cleanup for Coastal Sweep
Attending and participating in ceremonies for Memorial Day, Flag Day and Veterans Day
Falmouth Christmas Parade
Eagle Scout Projects
The Troop raises funds to offset fees related to activities and to purchase needed equipment and supplies. The Scouts also have the opportunity to earn money for their ISA (Individual Scout Account) that can be used to offset the cost of activities or to purchase personal equipment (sleeping bags, backpacks, etc).
Popcorn Sales (each boy gets a percentage of what they sell for their ISA)
Annual Spaghetti Dinner
Serving dinner at the Marine Lodge (ISA)
Falmouth Sprint Triathlon (ISA)